It is the year of the Tiger and that is something that cannot go unnoticed by the artists of China Light. The animal is known in Chinese culture as the king of all animals. It is a symbol of strength and bravery. China Light translates this in a wonderful way in their impressive installations, dedicated to this majestic animal.

About the Chinese New Year
According to our calendar, the Chinese 2022 New Year began on 1 February. This colourful, enthusiastic and culturally rich celebration is normally held for around fifteen days. During this festival, the Chinese celebrate the family and honour the living and the dead. Ancient practices and traditions are upheld during this grand celebration. For many Chinese, it is therefore common to celebrate this festival with the family. You have probably heard that the Chinese New Year is linked to an animal. According to Western customs, your zodiac sign is linked to your birth month. However, the Chinese use birth years to determine the zodiac. The twelve animals are in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. This year it is the year of the Tiger.
What will this year bring for the Tiger?
If you were born in 1974, 1986 or 1998, this is your year according to Chinese astrology. Despite the predicted mood swings and lack of sleep in these turbulent times, there are many good things awaiting the Tigers. Think, for example, of a boost to your career and the way you experience love. Tiger men and women make great romantic partners.

China Light: The Year of the Tiger
The organisation of China Light always tries to remain as close to Chinese culture as possible. So the artists have also created magnificent works of art, dedicated to this mighty Tiger. We are talking about breathtaking light installations that provided hours of viewing pleasure. For example, the works of art could be admired during the Jungle Book Light Festival in Zoo Antwerp.

About China Light
China Light uses their impressive and spectacular events to raise awareness on important issues such as animal protection. The installations tell stories and give visitors a wonderful insight into Chinese culture. The same goes for the beautiful Tiger images, which deserve a special mention this year.