Evolution en voie d’illumination by China Light cooperated with Museum National d’ Historie Naturelle: “poetry and peacefulness in the heart of Paris”.
Paris, the city of love, delicious patisserie and brilliant chansons. But the capital of France is also home to Le Jardin des Plantes, a breathtaking botanical garden that hosted a wonderful event by China Light this year. Visitors feasted their eyes on the Evolution en voie d’illumination-event.
During this exhibition, created by the artists of China Light, visitors will travel 600 million years through time in one evening. They will be amazed by the colourful and extremely varied installations.

Praise from the press
The French press has also become aware of the event and has already praised the composition of the installations. The French newspaper Réforme, for example, wrote the following: “An event that is as educational as it is beautiful, and not only intended for the youngest visitors. Families, but also adults and seniors come to enjoy a bit of poetry and peacefulness in the heart of Paris. As soon as the gates are opened, something magical happens. Even the most rambunctious children in the park calm down.” France Inter also speaks highly of the project: “the Evolution en voie d’illumination combines art, science and poetry. You will be able to admire the biodiversity of the past while being carried away by the magic of lights.” Finally, the news magazine Challenges also took the time to review the event: “As the third in a series of ‘enlightening’ exhibitions, this spectacular revisit of evolution is an activity not to be missed by curious little ones who are not afraid of a night-time journey to meet these strange beasts of long ago.”
The visitors are enthusiastic
When visitors to the event are asked how they experienced the tour, their enthusiasm is undiminished. Superlatives as breathtaking, amazing and extraordinaire do not suffice. “It is magical, and above all… what a job it is to make these gigantic installations. Make sure you don’t miss it, it’s amazing!”, said one of the visitors. A good reason to keep an eye on the upcoming events of China Light, because when they are near, you definitely do not want to miss it.