East meets west: bridging the gap between two different cultures

Both in terms of distance and of culture, there has historically been a large gap between the cultures of the West and the Far East.
Behind the production: China Light

The events developed and created by China Light are consistently a marvel to behold, and dazzle spectators.
Raising awareness about nature protection with lanterns

Globalisation, industrialisation and a skyrocketing world population all put heavy pressure on both the environment and the animal kingdom.
A look at Chinese lantern festivals

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, lanterns have been a part of the Chinese culture, and in today’s age, Chinese lanterns are the focal point of festivals which happen all over the world.
China’s culture, timeless traditions explained

China has an exceptionally rich culture that dates back thousands of years. As one of the oldest countries in the world, China is known for having one of the highest populations and tourism rates.
China Light: contributing to reducing ocean pollution

It is abundantly clear that our oceans are very important, to ourselves and to every other species on the planet.